Annual Awards 2025
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What are the Awards?
The Society depends on members willing to give their time and energy to provide a space for those passionate about hardy plants to come together and share their horticultural interests.
The Awards have been launched to celebrate the stars of our community.
This is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on those members who have made significant contributions to the work of the Society and through their enthusiasm and initiative have furthered the aims of the Society among its members and the wider plant community.
There are two Awards:
The President's Individual Award
The Individual Award recognises the outstanding contribution made by an individual member to the work of the Society. The winner of this Award will receive a £100 gift voucher from David Austin Roses and a pallet of goods (including a bulk bag of choice, all liquids and parts of the garden care range) provided by PlantGrow.
The President's Team Award
The Team Award recognises the outstanding contribution made by 2 or more members working together for the benefit of the Society. The winning team will receive a £100 gift voucher from David Austin Roses as well as a £100 gift voucher from British Garden Centres.
What merits an Award?
The Awards celebrate members who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to furthering the Society's core mission – to share and promote a love of hardy plants.
The judging panel will be looking for great stories of how members have gone above and beyond the call of duty in helping the Society achieve its goals. Examples of activities that might merit consideration for an Award include:
- putting together impressive exhibition stands;
- contributing to the Society's publications;
- working together as a team on a project such as a community garden that raises the Society's profile;
- donating a significant number of photographs to the Image Library;
- organising the Annual Lecture Day, a conference or series of lectures open to all members;
- assembling or maintaining a prestigious plant collection open to all members;
- increasing the membership of the Society;
- promoting the Society on social media; and
- raising awareness among the general public of the joys of hardy plants.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. Any noteworthy event or activity associated with achieving the aims of the Society would be eligible for consideration.
Any significant event or activity organised by one of the Society's local or special interest groups would also qualify for consideration, provided always that it is open to all members of the Society. For example, we would love to hear about a lecture series or open conference organised by a local or special interest group where all members are invited to attend.
Please note, however, that an event or activity organised solely for the benefit of local or special interest group members would not qualify for an Award.
Nominations and Presentation of Awards
Any individual member or any special interest group, local group or ad hoc team composed of members may be nominated for an Award for a significant event or activity started, completed or taking place during 2023 and/or 2024.
Serving Trustees, current Postholders and those involved in the administration of the Awards are not eligible for an Award.
Any member may nominate one or more individuals or teams.
Nominations may be submitted by completing the form below by no later than 16 March 2025.
Recipients will be notified of their Award by 1 June 2025.
The Awards will be presented at the Annual Lecture Day and Annual General Meeting to be held in Derbyshire on 13 September 2025. The recipient of each Award will be invited to attend and will be provided with overnight accommodation and free entry to the Annual Lecture Day for 2 people, as well as gifts kindly donated by the Awards' sponsors.