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Extended plant information for Helleborus niger
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Photos of plants with the same name
Plants in the genus : Helleborus
Helleborus x sternii ex Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii ex ‘Silver Dollar’
Helleborus x sternii ex ‘Boughton Beauty’
Helleborus x sternii ex ‘Beatrice le Blanc’
Helleborus x sternii Boughton Group
Helleborus x sternii Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii Ashwood strain
Helleborus x sternii ‘Boughton Beauty’
Helleborus x sternii ‘Blackthorn’
Helleborus x sternii
Plants in the family : Ranunculaceae
Clematis ‘Viola’ (LL)
Nigella papillosa
Helleborus viridis
Clematis [Gazelle] = ‘Evipo014’ (I)
Clematis ‘Propertius’ (A)
Helleborus x hybridus green spotted
Clematis ex scented herbaceous form
Anemone x hybrida ‘Rosenschale’
Clematis stans
Aquilegia vulgaris (Vervaeneana Group) ‘Graeme Iddon’ (v)
Anemone coll. China white flowers
Thalictrum aquilegiifolium ‘Album’