Plant (HPS Number P04354)
Notes: Conservation Scheme
Date donated: 5th Feb 2014
Donor: Joe Sime
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Extended plant information for Hesperantha coccinea ‘Cindy Towe’
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Hesperantha
Hesperantha scopulosa
Hesperantha pink flowers
Hesperantha oligantha
Hesperantha huttonii
Hesperantha huttonii
Hesperantha dwarf pink flowers
Hesperantha cucullata
Hesperantha coccinea pale pink flowers
Hesperantha coccinea pale pink
Hesperantha coccinea mixed colours
Hesperantha coccinea f. alba
Hesperantha coccinea ex ‘Zeal Salmon’
Hesperantha coccinea ex ‘Mrs Hegarty’
Hesperantha coccinea ex ‘Major’
Hesperantha coccinea ex ‘Jennifer’
Hesperantha coccinea ex ‘Cindy Towe’
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Wilfred H. Bryant’
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Wilfred H. Bryant’
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Wilfred H. Bryant’
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Viscountess Byng’
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Sunrise’
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Salome’
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Professor Barnard’
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Peer Gynt’
Plants in the family : Iridaceae
Iris × robusta ex ‘Gerald Darby’
Babiana stricta
Tigridia pavonia mixed
Iris ex ‘Roaring Jelly’ (Sib)
Iris bearded
Dierama ex Barr hybrids
Tritonia crocata
Iris laevigata
Chasmanthe floribunda var. duckittii
Hesperantha cucullata
Iris ‘Edward’ (Reticulata)
Iris laevigata dark blue flowers with white stripe
Iris ‘My Mary’ (TB)
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Professor Barnard’
Gladiolus carneus
Dierama cerise flowers
Iris Californian hybrids mauve
Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora ‘Queen of Spain’
Crocosmia masoniorum ‘Rowallane Yellow’
Iris ‘Skyfire’ (TB)
Iris lazica AGM
Dierama trichorhizum
Crocus ‘Pickwick’
Crocus speciosus ‘Conqueror’