Archive Seeds (HPS Number M03078)
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Extended plant information for Indigofera heterantha
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Indigofera
Indigofera szechuensis
Indigofera sp. ex CC 6804
Indigofera sp.
Indigofera pendula
Indigofera himalayensis ex ‘Silk Road’
Indigofera himalayensis
Indigofera heterantha
Indigofera heterantha
Indigofera heterantha
Indigofera hebepetala
Indigofera balfouriana Craib
Indigofera amblyantha
Indigofera amblyantha
Indigofera amblyantha
Plants in the family : Fabaceae
Trifolium rubens ex ‘Frosty Feathers’
Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’
Cercis siliquastrum
Laburnum × watereri ‘Vossii’
Lupinus dark purple flowers
Lathyrus vernus ‘Cyaneus’
Desmodium callianthum
Lupinus ex ‘Beefeater’
Vegetable Pea ex ‘Pilot’ (Pisum sativum)
Oxytropis campestris
Lupinus yellow flowers
Lathyrus sativus
Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca ‘Brockhill Blue’
Laburnum anagyroides
Lupinus ex ‘Gallery Pink’ (Gallery Series)
Vegetable Pea Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Lupinus nootkatensis
Lathyrus palustris
Lathyrus odoratus pink and white flowers
Lupinus ‘The Chatelaine’ (Band of Nobles Series)
Lathyrus odoratus ex ‘Charlie’s Angel’
Astragalus monspessulanus
Caragana frutex
Lathyrus clymenum