Plant (HPS Number P00198)
Date donated: 17th Aug 2008
Donor: Picket Lane Nursery
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Extended plant information for Inula magnifica
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Inula
Inula sp. prob magnifica
Inula royleana
Inula royleana
Inula racemosa
Inula racemosa
Inula orientalis
Inula orientalis
Inula oculus-christi
Inula magnifica
Inula magnifica
Inula magnifica
Inula magnifica
Inula magnifica
Inula magnifica
Inula hookeri && Anthemis tinctoria ‘Sauce Hollandaise’
Inula hookeri
Inula hookeri
Inula hookeri
Inula hookeri
Inula hookeri
Inula hookeri
Inula hirta
Inula helenium ex ‘Goliath’
Inula helenium elecampane
Plants in the family : Asteraceae
Helianthus x multiflorus ex ‘Meteor’
Arnica chamissonis
Helianthus ‘Monarch’
Inula ensifolia
Rudbeckia subtomentosa ‘Little Henry’
Chrysanthemum ‘Goldengreenheart’ (21d)
Vernonia gigantea
Echinops bannaticus ‘Taplow Blue’
Gaillardia x grandiflora ex ‘Arizona Red Shades’
Rudbeckia triloba AGM
Ligularia dentata ‘Jolly Day’
Centaurea montana ‘Alba’
Helenium ‘Riverton Beauty’
Olearia species
Eurybia divaricata
Calendula officinalis ex ‘Touch of Red’ (Touch of Red Series)
Eutrochium purpureum ex White form
Leontodon rigens
Centaurea pulcherrima
Dahlia merckii
Echinacea pallida
Centaurea bella
Helenium ex ‘El Dorado’
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae ex ‘Lou Williams’