Plant (HPS Number P04828)
Date donated: 12th Dec 2014
Donor: Eleanor Fisher
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Plant renamed on the 9th October 2024 (Name and genus)
- Name: Malva trimestris ‘Silver Cup’/
- Genus: Malva/
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Extended plant information for Malva trimestris ‘Silver Cup’
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Malva
Malva verticillata
Malva verticillata
Malva trimestris ex ‘Silver Cup’
Malva trimestris ex ‘Ruby Regis’
Malva trimestris ‘Silver Cup’
Malva trimestris
Malva tournefortiana
Malva thuringiaca ‘Ice Cool’
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana ex ‘Zebrina’
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana ex ‘Mystic Merlin’
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana ex ‘Bíbor Felho’
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana ‘Zebrina’
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana ‘Primley Blue’
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana ‘Mystic Merlin’
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana
Malva sylvestris ex ‘Windsor Castle’
Malva sylvestris ex ‘Brave Heart’
Malva sylvestris ex ‘Alba’
Malva sylvestris dark mauve flowers
Malva sylvestris ‘Magic Hollyhock’ (d)
Malva sylvestris ‘Brave Heart’
Malva sylvestris ‘Blue Fountain’
Plants in the family : Malvaceae
Hoheria sp. poss. angustifolia
Malva sylvestris ‘Magic Hollyhock’ (d)
Alcea rosea dwarf purple flowers 1.2m
Malva neglecta
Alcea rosea mid pink streaked flowers deep pink eye
Malva multiflora (was Lavatera cretica)
Abutilon x suntense seedling, white
Alcea rosea pale pink flowers
Alcea rosea buff flowers
Hoheria sexstylosa ex ‘Stardust’
Alcea ficifolia hybrid yellow flowers
Abutilon x suntense
Sidalcea ‘Rose Queen’
Malva sylvestris ex ‘Windsor Castle’
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana ‘Primley Blue’
Malva arborea ‘Variegata’ (v)
Alcea mixed
Sidalcea malviflora
Modiolastrum lateritium
Alcea rosea ex Halo Series ‘Halo Pink’
Sidalcea candida mixed pink and white flowers
Alcea rosea peach flowers
Corynabutilon × suntense
Alcea rosea apricot flowers