Plant (HPS Number P11688)
Date donated: 1st Jan 2005
Donor: Tony Schilling
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Extended plant information for Leucothoe [Scarletta] (‘Zeblid’)
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Articles and Publications linked to this genus
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Plants in the family : Ericaceae
Pieris ‘Firecrest’
Gaultheria cuneata
Rhododendron mixed evergreen hybrids
Erica arborea
Rhododendron ‘Crest’
Gaultheria shallon
Lyonia ovalifolia
Calluna vulgaris ‘Annemarie’ (d)
Pieris ‘Forest Flame’
Rhododendron heliolepis
Arbutus x andrachnoides
Pieris formosa
Vaccinium nummularia
Rhododendron (Bow Bells Group) ‘Bow Bells’
Rhododendron campanulatum subsp. aeruginosum
Rhododendron Praecox Group
Rhododendron (May Day Group) ‘May Day’
Enkianthus chinensis
Rhododendron quinquefolium (A)
Rhododendron wightii
Arbutus unedo
Arbutus unedo f. rubra
Rhododendron yakushimanum
Rhododendron arboreum