Archive Seeds (HPS Number M05853)
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Articles and Publications linked to this genus
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Plants in the genus : Osteospermum
Osteospermum sp. pink-tinged white flowers
Osteospermum sinuatum
Osteospermum mixed
Osteospermum jucundum
Osteospermum jucundum
Osteospermum jucundum
Osteospermum jucundum
Osteospermum jucundum
Osteospermum fruticosum
Osteospermum ex ‘Lady Leitrim’
Osteospermum ex ‘African Sunset’
Osteospermum ecklonis var. prostratum
Osteospermum ecklonis
Osteospermum ecklonis
Osteospermum ‘White Pim’
Osteospermum ‘Whirlygig’
Osteospermum ‘Weetwood’
Osteospermum ‘Sunny Mary’ (Sunny Series)
Osteospermum ‘Sunny Cecil’ (Sunny Series)
Osteospermum ‘Stardust’
Osteospermum ‘Silver Sparkler’ (v)
Osteospermum ‘Pink Whirls’
Osteospermum ‘Penny Pink’
Osteospermum ‘Lady Leitrim’
Plants in the family : Asteraceae
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii ‘Sheena’
Dahlia tall single mixed colour flowers
Rudbeckia laciniata
Cynara cardunculus AGM
Centaurea scabiosa
Rudbeckia mixed
Calendula ex ‘Bronze Beauty’
Heterotheca villosa
Olearia macrodonta
Inula magnifica
Chrysanthemum ‘Aunt Millicent’ (21d)
Erigeron oreganus
Helichrysum orientale
Ligularia dentata ‘Jolly Day’
Solidago ‘Queenie’
Inula hookeri
Chrysanthemum ‘Chelsea Physic Garden’ (21)
Veronia novaboracinensis
Symphyotrichum ‘Pink Star’
Achillea millefolium ex ‘Sammetriese’
Vernonia noveboracensis
Erigeron good lilac form
Jacobaea maritima
Solidago ‘Crown of Rays’