Plant (HPS Number P11872)
Date donated: 1st Jan 2001
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Plants in the family : Primulaceae
Lysimachia punctata ‘Alexander’ (v)
Lysimachia barystachys
Cyclamen coum
Primula beesiana (Pf)
Cyclamen rhodium subsp. peloponnesiacum
Cyclamen graecum
Primula capitata subsp. mooreana (Ca)
Primula ex ‘MacWatt’s Cream’ (Pr/Poly)
Primula ‘Kinlough Beauty’ (Pr/Poly)
Primula Harlow Car Hybrids (Pf)
Lysimachia ciliata ‘Firecracker’
Primula verticillata (Sp)
Primula rosea (Or)
Primula hirsuta (Au)
Primula pulverulenta (Pf)
Primula chungensis (Pf)
Primula ‘Barbara Midwinter’ (Pr)
Androsace sarmentosa subsp. primuloides ‘Chumbyi’
Primula florindae ex ‘Ray’s Ruby’ (Si)
Primula scotica (Al)
Cyclamen persicum ex CSE mixed
Primula florindae (Si) orange flowers
Primula wilsonii var. anisodora (Pf)
Primula ‘Dawn Ansell’ (Pr/Prim/d)