Plant (HPS Number P12635)
Date donated: 1st Jan 2021
Donor: Nadine Mitschunas
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Search other sites for Thermopsis montana var. montana
Extended plant information for Thermopsis montana var. montana
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Thermopsis
Thermopsis villosa
Thermopsis villosa
Thermopsis sp.
Thermopsis rhombifolia
Thermopsis montana var. montana
Thermopsis montana var. montana
Thermopsis montana
Thermopsis mollis
Thermopsis lupinoides
Thermopsis lanceolata
Thermopsis lanceolata
Thermopsis lanceolata
Plants in the family : Papilionaceae
Lathyrus odoratus ‘Old Times’
Thermopsis mollis
Carmichaelia glabrata
Galega x hartlandii ex ‘Alba’
Lathyrus odoratus ‘Lisbeth’
Lupinus variicolor
Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca
Lathyrus odoratus ‘Fire and Ice’
Lathyrus niger
Erythrina caffra
Lathyrus rotundifolius AGM
Clianthus puniceus
Genista sagittalis
Robinia hispida var. rosea
Trifolium ochroleucon
Lathyrus sylvestris
Colutea arborescens
Sesbania formosa
Lathyrus latifolius
Anthyllis vulneraria var. coccinea
Lupinus variicolor
Erinacea anthyllis
Lathyrus sylvestris
Lathyrus latifolius pink flowered