Hardy Geraniums Special Interest Group Membership

From: £7.00 / year

The Hardy Geranium Group was formed in 1974 when interest in the plants was booming. There are now approx. 110 species and 600 cultivars in British gardens. They range in height from a few cm. to 1m. and in colour from white through pink, mauve and pale blue to deep magenta, violet and blue. There is a geranium for every site in the garden: hot and sunny or dry shade. Margery Fish famously said “When in doubt, plant a geranium.”

We are still the only association dedicated solely to this large family of garden-worthy plants, which have been voted the Hardy Plant Society’s favourite flowers. Our members provide advice and information about the plants to gardeners, nurserymen and journalists in the UK and abroad. Membership is open to all members of the HPS and we welcome those who are not specialists but would like to know more.

We produce two newsletters a year in Spring and Autumn, host an annual AGM and Geranium Day at different venues around the UK, and organise a geranium and erodium seed exchange each year (free to members).  The seed list is usually sent out in November.

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