Pulmonaria Special Interest Group Membership

From: £5.00 / year

The Group was formed in 1992 and it has grown steadily since then. We now have members from several countries. The aims of the Pulmonaria Group include:

  • Keeping our members supplied with relevant information on pulmonarias both in this country and abroad;
  • Providing opportunities to acquire pulmonarias, which may not be readily available;
  • Sharing our knowledge and experiences of growing pulmonarias.

Each year we aim to hold a Pulmonaria Day, which incorporates our AGM. This usually takes place in April. The venue changes each year in order to try and cater for members from most parts of the UK. Whenever possible, we try to invite members from the local HPS Group of the area to participate in our Pulmonaria Days.

  1. Index: 0
    Current Data:
    array(0) {
  2. 152039 (same as parent)
  3. pulmonaria-single (specific to this variant)
  4. 5
  5. Attr:
  6. post_type=product_variation&post_parent=152039&order=DESC&orderby=title
  7. post_parent=152039&post_type=product_variation&order=ASC&orderby=title&meta_query[0][key]=slug&meta_query[0][value]=pulmonaria-single&meta_query[0][compare]==&meta_query[relation]=AND
  8. From: £5.00 / year
Raw attributes: Array ( [slugs] => overseas-joint-membership, joint-membership-overseas-airmail, overseas-single-membership, overseas-single-membership-via-airmail [debug] => true )
Slugs to check: overseas-joint-membership, joint-membership-overseas-airmail, overseas-single-membership, overseas-single-membership-via-airmail
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