Helenium ‘Sombrero’

Published: August 5, 2017


Updated on 15.06.2018 |
Added in Kevin’s Propagation/Plant Focus Blog/Healing Gardens

This is one of my choice selections for late summer/autumn pollinators, Helenium ‘Sombrero’. I am currently developing a border for pollinators, bees, butterflies etc, they need all the help they can get. 



Last year was a particularly poor year for butterflies, and I feel that wildlife gardening should certainly be more in the forefront of the gardener’s thinking strategy for planting.


Already, after being planted for just two weeks, a regular visitor  to Helenium ‘Sombrero’ has been the Tortoishell butterfly, not to mention the bees happily buzzing around the  yellow flower cones on the warm sunny days.


Helenium ‘Sombrero’ is a new introduction. This hardy perennial is a compact variety, with a neat branching habit.


I plan to grow them on in this border for next season, with a view to dividing small sections of each plant for replanting for Autumn in 2018.