Help Us

There are a number of additional ways to get involved.


The HPS is totally reliant on volunteers. Without them, neither the national society nor the groups would exist.

Members like you who volunteer fulfil many and varied roles, some more demanding of their time than others, but we value all for the contribution they make. Some have retired from paid work, but want to keep using their skills and knowledge; some who are still working are happy to use those skills to help the HPS. Others wish to try something new.

We work in a co-operative way, so you could offer a small amount of time or to share a job with someone else or discuss changing a job to suit what you can do.

Being a volunteer brings you into greater contact with other members, and can be sociable and fun, so next time you see that someone is needed why not get in touch to find out what’s involved? Talking it over doesn’t mean you’re offering to do the job, and please remember that most people are more than happy to help their replacement get to grips with it.

We look forward to working with you.


Naturally, your will must take care of your loved ones first. After remembering your family and friends in your will, you can help us to continue the timeless benefits which plants and gardens confer by making a gift to the HPS.

Making a legacy to the Society is a straightforward matter and, as we are a charity, your legacy would not be taxed as part of your estate. If you wish, your legacy can be directed towards specific activities such as:

  • Conservation
  • Local group support
  • National events
  • Shows
  • Seed Distribution

We have a leaflet (in pdf format) which you can download. The leaflet contains sample wordings for you, or your solicitor, to include in your will.

It also includes details of how to ask mourners to make a donation to the Society in place of funeral flowers.

Download the sample wording as a pdf legacyleafletCR2016

If you would like to discuss this with somebody from the HPS, please contact the office (01386 710317) or use our contact form


Members who have left legacies to the Society or financial benefit to the Society

Chris Philips

At the age of only 24 Chris became ATV's first transmission controller but TV lost its allure and he became a theatrical agent and then set up his own fireworks business. Chris retired to Worcestershire in 1983. He had trouble in tracking down various plants and started a database on where the plants could be bought. Hearing of the Nottingham Group's Hardy Plant Directory he came to HPS and asked if they would be interested in backing the publication of a book he planned to call The Plantfinder. Jack Elliott, Chairman, at that time agreed and HPS benefited significantly from supporting the early publications.

Charles William Neville (1922-2004)

Charles was born in Oxford, the eldest of four children. He was educated in Oxford and after War Service he pursued a successful career in the Scientific Civil Service. He was a member of the team participating in the Hydrogen Bomb Test on Christmas Island. On retirement he divided his time between his workshop and his garden. His passion was hellebores and many were sent to the HPS Oxford and Bucks Branch. He derived great pleasure from his garden, although in his final years he was not able to look after it as he would have wished. He remained a bachelor all his life.

Jane Sterndale-Bennett (1942-2005)

Jane was one of England's foremost gardeners. Jane, with her husband Barry and three children, moved to White Windows her Hampshire garden in 1980 and shortly afterwards she joined the HPS. When Miss White died unexpectedly just before an AGM in 1987 Jane was one of the team who went to her house to rescue the Society's records. She was at the heart of the Society for the next 20 years becoming Newsletter Editor, Events Organiser, Vice Chairman and Chairman for five years from 1996 to 2001. Her skill as a lecturer led to her representing the Society all over the world.

Veronica Mabel Moss (1921-2006)

Veronica was from gardening stock; her name was inspired by a Hebe border. She married Eric Arthur Frederic Moss in 1944 and they had five children. Veronica worked as a nurse and a secretary when not being a full-time mother. They lived in Surrey until 1974 when they moved to Devon. She was a member of The Hardy Plant Society from the 1960s and went on the Committee in the 1980s when the Society was reorganised, and was involved with the Southern Counties Group.

Stephen Taffler (d 2005)

Steve worked and trained as commercial photographer but fell in love with variegated plants. He would spot the slightest form of variegation at 100 yards. He was particularly fond of ivies and started the British Ivy Society. He was a member of the HPS for 38 years and started the Variegated Plant Group and ran it for many years, first as secretary, and then Chairman and he also edited their journal, The Sport. Together with his wife Gill he was the Society's archivist for 20 years.

Kenneth John Black (d 2008)

Kenneth Black lived in North London where he was a gardener, probably with Enfield Borough Council. He is known to have particularly liked dahlias. The Society benefitted from a generous donation from his estate.

Gift Aid

The more we are given.......the more we can get!

Don't lose out to the taxman

If you are a UK taxpayer, you can make a donation to the Hardy Plant Society under Gift Aid. The Chancellor will then increase the amount of your gift at no extra cost to you. What this means, in cash terms, is that if you make a Gift Aid donation of £10, the Chancellor (through HM Revenue and Customs) will increase the amount to £12.50 at no extra cost to you.

There is not much for free these days but Gift Aid can be used to provide free money for the HPS.

If you are an HPS member and UK taxpayer, and have not yet completed a Gift Aid declaration, please complete our pdf Document and return it to the admin office.

Are you a UK PAYE taxpayer?

If you pay tax on your earnings or pension from a previous employer, you may be able to make donations under a scheme known as Payroll Giving.

Under this scheme you can make a donation to the HPS of, say, £10 but it will cost you only £8 if you are a basic rate taxpayer or £6 if you pay tax at the higher rate. You pay less tax on your wages, salary or pension because tax is calculated after your contribution has been deducted. In other words, you get the immediate benefit of the tax relief on your contribution.

Most employers are registered for Payroll Giving as it enables them to demonstrate their commitment to charities and good causes.

Share the Benefits.

Another tax-efficient way of helping charities is to transfer shares as a gift.

After your family, remember the Hardy Plant Society

Inheritance tax is charged at 40% of the value of the value of your estate (everything you own) above a threshold.

Gifts (or legacies) to charities are deducted from the value of your estate before the tax is calculated so you can also beat the taxman, and influence the world, even after your death.

There is more information about legacies on our legacies page. For more information about other forms of tax-effective giving, please use our Contact Us form.

Please note that the figures given here are for illustrative purposes only. If you are in any doubt about any of these schemes, please consult a financial advisor or solicitor.
The Hardy Plant Society is NOT licensed to provide financial advice and the above should not be construed as being financial advice.