HPS Single Membership

From: £17.00 / year

A membership of the Hardy Plant Society lasts for one year. You will receive two editions of The Hardy Plant, Three Newsletters both delivered to you by post. In addition, you can then participate in any of our Special Interest Groups, receive a discount on a subscription to Cornucopia, a discount on our Booklets, the option to take part in our Conservation Scheme, and finally join one of our Local Groups.

Membership options include:

  • One person, single membership
  • Single membership outside the UK (overseas) via land delivery
  • Single membership outside the UK with delivery by airmail

Please choose your option to see the relevant price, and add it to your basket.

Note: Once you pay for this online your subscription will automatically renew and you will receive a notification in advance before any payment is attempted to be taken. If you prefer this not to happen please follow the steps in this explanation.

  1. Index: 0
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  8. From: £17.00 / year
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Slugs to check: overseas-joint-membership, joint-membership-overseas-airmail, overseas-single-membership, overseas-single-membership-via-airmail
User not logged in

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