Peony Special Interest Group Membership

From: £5.00 / year

Peonies are among the most beautiful plants we can grow in our gardens, be they the elegant single flowered wild species, the sumptuous doubles of our June herbaceous borders, or the tree peonies celebrated in Chinese art over the centuries.   The HPS Peony Group is a specialist group of the Hardy Plant Society formed in 1987; it exists to stimulate more informed interest in growing all types of peonies and to bring together enthusiasts worldwide.

Members have a wide range of interests from species in their wild habitats, through herbaceous cultivars, modern and historic, to tree peonies. They range in expertise from beginners to long established experts. The Group is a good way for people to build their knowledge in a friendly environment. A newsletter is posted to members in Spring and Autumn. This keeps us up to date with recent developments in the ‘peony world’. Articles are very wide-ranging including trips made to other countries looking at peonies, nurseries and gardens, news on peony collections, updates on peony research, practical advice on sowing, growing, and flowering peonies, and help with identification.

The autumn newsletter carries a list of seeds donated by members for the seed exchange. This is currently only accessible to members within the United Kingdom.

We have members around the UK and overseas. The Peony Group AGM and Peony Day is held in different locations around Great Britain each year to try to make it accessible to as many members as possible. We combine the necessary business of the AGM with talks on peonies and visits to see peonies in flower to make a really enjoyable day. The members’ plant sales table is always a great draw having not just peonies, some of them not available commercially but many other lovely plants too.

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