Shade and Woodland Special Interest Group Membership

From: £5.00 / year

Members of the Shade and Woodland Plants Group are a community of gardeners with a special interest in plants adapted to grow in these conditions. Most gardens have shade, whether under trees or in areas overshadowed by walls or buildings. The ground may vary greatly from soil that is rich and moisture retentive to that which is poor and dry. Here, perhaps more than in other areas, we need to put the right plant in the right place to ensure a good display.

With members scattered across the UK and abroad, the Group aims to establish an exchange of information and advice about growing shade tolerant plants and from this create a web-based archive available to the public.

  1. Index: 0
    Current Data:
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  8. From: £5.00 / year
Raw attributes: Array ( [slugs] => overseas-joint-membership, joint-membership-overseas-airmail, overseas-single-membership, overseas-single-membership-via-airmail [debug] => true )
Slugs to check: overseas-joint-membership, joint-membership-overseas-airmail, overseas-single-membership, overseas-single-membership-via-airmail
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