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Extended plant information for Alcea rosea ‘Nigra’
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Alcea
Sidalcea ex ‘Sussex Beauty’
Sidalcea ex ‘Elsie Heugh’
Malva alcea var. fastigiata
Malva alcea
Alcea yellow flowers
Alcea single white flowers
Alcea single black flowers
Alcea short, double red flowers
Alcea rugosa
Alcea rugosa
Alcea rosea yellow flowers
Alcea rosea white flowers
Alcea rosea single yellow flowers
Alcea rosea rust resistant deep pink
Alcea rosea rust resistant
Alcea rosea red flowers
Alcea rosea pink/cream single flowers
Alcea rosea pink flowers deep frilly edge
Alcea rosea pink flowers
Alcea rosea pink centred flowers
Alcea rosea peach flowers
Alcea rosea pale yellow suffused apricot flowers
Alcea rosea pale yellow flowers
Alcea rosea pale pink flowers
Plants in the family : Malvaceae
Hoheria angustifolia
Abutilon indicum
Alcea rosea pale yellow suffused apricot flowers
Anoda sp.
Lavatera trimestris
Hoheria sexstylosa ex ‘Crataegifolia’
Alcea ficifolia
Malva × clementii ‘Bredon Springs’
Lavatera thuringiaca pink flowers
Hibiscus sinosyriacus ‘Ruby Glow’
Alcea rosea dark red flowers
Anisodontea ex ‘El Rayo’
Alcea ficifolia
Tilia tuan
Alcea rosea apricot flowers
Malva moschata ex ‘Rosea’
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana ‘Mystic Merlin’
Alcea ficifolia
Lavatera ex ‘Frederique’
Grewia occidentalis
Lavatera byroniifolia
Hoheria sexstylosa
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana ex ‘Bíbor Felho’
Alcea rosea pink/cream single flowers