Seed Image
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Extended plant information for Althaea cannabina
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Photos of plants with the same name
Plants in the genus : Althaea
Althaea single pink flowers
Althaea pale pink flowers/dark pink centre
Althaea officinalis lemon flowers
Althaea officinalis
Althaea officinalis
Althaea officinalis
Althaea nearly black flowers
Althaea dark red flowers
Althaea cannabina
Althaea cannabina
Althaea cannabina
Althaea armeniaca
Plants in the family : Malvaceae
Hoheria ex ‘Borde Hill’
Althaea single pink flowers
Abutilon orange/red flowers
Modiolastrum lateritium
Lavatera trimestris
Sidalcea candida
Lavatera ex ‘Frederique’
Hoheria sp. poss. angustifolia
Lavatera thuringiaca ‘Ice Cool’
Hibiscus trionum
Corynabutilon x suntense
Abelmoschus manihot