Plant (HPS Number P12768)
Notes: Many plants formerly in genus Aster have been reassigned. The majority have moved into
Date donated: 1st Jan 2021
Donor: Nadine Mitschunas
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Extended plant information for Aster tongolensis ‘Wartburgstern’
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Aster
Viscaria asterias
Iberis ex ‘Masterpiece’
Hypericum lancasteri
Cotoneaster ogisui
Cotoneaster hebephyllus
Cotoneaster bullatus
Aster yomena
Aster x frikartii ex ‘Mönch’
Aster x frikartii ex ‘Jungfrau’
Aster x frikartii ‘Monch’ && Hemerocallis multiflora
Aster x frikartii
Aster x frikartii
Aster x frikartii
Aster tongolensis && Dianthus deltoides
Aster tongolensis ‘Wartburgstern’
Aster tongolensis
Aster thomsonii ‘Nanus’
Aster thomsonii ‘Nanus’
Aster tataricus
Aster tataricus
Aster tataricus
Aster tataricus
Aster stracheyi
Aster sp. CC6876
Plants in the family : Asteraceae
Ageratum petiolatum
Heterotheca villosa
Echinops bannaticus ex ‘Albus’
Helenium ‘Crimson Beauty’
Tithonia rotundifolia ex ‘Torch’
Leontodon rigens
Echinacea purpurea mauve flowers
Centaurea montana
Aster amellus ‘King George’
Helenium ‘Bressingham Gold’
Chrysanthemum ‘Early Yellow’
Urospermum dalechampii
Achillea ‘Paprika’ (Galaxy Series) – front && Achillea ‘Forncett Fletton’ (Forncett Series)
Echinacea paradoxa
Chrysanthemum ‘Dulwich Pink’ (21d)
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii ‘Goldsturm’
Doronicum orientale ‘Magnificum’
Pulicaria dysenterica
Bellis perennis mix
Symphyotrichum ericoides ‘Pink Cloud’
Rudbeckia subtomentosa
Celmisia allanii
Echinops ritro L.
Vegetable Lettuce ex ‘Red Salad Bowl’ (Lactuca sativa)