Archive Seeds (HPS Number M01984)
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Extended plant information for Dodecatheon dentatum
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Dodecatheon
Dodecatheon sp.
Dodecatheon pulchellum subsp. pulchellum ex ‘Red Wings’
Dodecatheon pulchellum subsp. pulchellum ‘Red Wings’
Dodecatheon pulchellum album
Dodecatheon pulchellum album
Dodecatheon pulchellum
Dodecatheon pulchellum
Dodecatheon mixed
Dodecatheon meadia f. album
Dodecatheon meadia f. album
Dodecatheon meadia f. album
Dodecatheon meadia
Dodecatheon meadia
Dodecatheon meadia
Dodecatheon meadia
Dodecatheon meadia
Dodecatheon meadia
Dodecatheon jeffreyi
Dodecatheon jeffreyi
Dodecatheon hendersonii
Dodecatheon frigidum
Dodecatheon ex ‘Aphrodite’
Dodecatheon dentatum
Dodecatheon clevelandii
Plants in the family : Primulaceae
Cyclamen hederifolium var. hederifolium f. hederifolium ex ‘Ruby Glow’
Cyclamen persicum
Cyclamen graecum ex CSE93645
Primula florindae
Primula juliae (Pr)
Primula ex Jack-in-the-Green Group (Pr/Poly)
Primula waltonii (Si)
Primula darialica ‘David Valentine’
Primula wilsonii var. anisodora (Pf)
Lysimachia clethroides
Lysimachia barystachys
Lysimachia atropurpurea
Primula macrophylla (Cy)
Primula ex Candelabra hybrids (Pf) white flowers
Androsace sarmentosa subsp. primuloides ‘Chumbyi’
Cyclamen persicum ex JCA355-510 from Rhodes
Primula veris
Primula ‘Don Keefe’ (Pr/Poly)
Androsace septentrionalis
Primula capitata (Ca)
Primula florindae (Si) mixed
Primula waltonii (Si)
Primula ‘Dawn Ansell’ (Pr/Prim/d)
Primula florindae (Si) red flowers