Conservation Plant
- Introduced: 2010
- By: Norfolk & Suffolk Group
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Conservation Scheme information for Erysimum cheiri ‘Bloody Warrior’
- ID: P182
- Introduced: 2010
- By: Norfolk & Suffolk Group
- Reason: Historic plant, probably dating from late 16th century.
- Verified by: not known
- Description: Short-lived evergreen perennial with rather lax habit.
- Dimensions: 45cm x 30cm
- Flowers: Double maroon-red flecked with yellow. Scented.
- Foliage: Evergreen, lanceolate grey-green leaves.
- Soil: Neutral to alkaline soil. Free-draining.
- Aspect: Full sun
- Pests: Like all brassicas they can be susceptible to flea beetle damage which appears as small holes in the leaves. Club root can be a problem if the soil is too acid.
- Cultivation: Short-lived perennial with typical lifespan of 3-4 yrs so needs to be propagated regularly.
- Propagation: Take soft or semi-ripe cuttings to root in gritty compost under glass, with or without heat.
Extended plant information for Erysimum cheiri ‘Bloody Warrior’
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Photos of plants with the same name
Plants in the genus : Erysimum
Erysimum yellow
Erysimum x marshallii
Erysimum torulosum
Erysimum scoparium ex ‘La Palma’
Erysimum scoparium
Erysimum scoparium
Erysimum rhaeticum
Erysimum red flowers
Erysimum odoratum
Erysimum mutabile ‘Variegatum’ (v)
Erysimum mutabile
Erysimum mutabile
Plants in the family : Brassicaceae
Lunaria annua cerise flowers
Lunaria annua var. albiflora ‘Alba Variegata’ (v)
Erysimum ‘Lewis Hart’
Iberis gibraltarica ex ‘Betty Swainson’
Cardamine pentaphylla
Erysimum x marshallii
Iberis ‘Dick Self’
Iberis sempervirens ‘Taff’s Starkers’ (v)
Erysimum hungaricum
Erysimum scoparium
Iberis mixed
Alyssum spinosum ‘Roseum’