Plant (HPS Number P07890)
Date donated: 9th Oct 2016
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Extended plant information for Gypsophila tenuifolia
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Gypsophila
Gypsophila white flowers
Gypsophila tenuifolia
Gypsophila tenuifolia
Gypsophila repens ex ‘Rosea’
Gypsophila repens ex ‘Dorothy Teacher’
Gypsophila repens ‘Rosea’
Gypsophila repens ‘Dorothy Teacher’
Gypsophila repens
Gypsophila paniculata ‘Flamingo’ (d)
Gypsophila paniculata ‘Compacta Plena’ (d)
Gypsophila paniculata
Gypsophila paniculata
Gypsophila pacifica
Gypsophila ex ‘Monarch White’
Gypsophila elegans ex ‘Covent Garden’
Gypsophila cerastioides
Gypsophila cerastioides
Gypsophila aretioides
Gypsophila aretioides
Gypsophila ‘Pink Festival’ (Festival Series) (d)
Plants in the family : Caryophyllaceae
Dianthus subacaulis
Dianthus barbatus
Gypsophila repens ‘Rosea’
Dianthus ‘Squeeks’ (p)
Dianthus ‘Dewdrop’ (p)
Lychnis viscaria
Silene coronaria [Gardners’ World] (‘Blych’) (d)
Silene vulgaris
Silene chalcedonica ex ‘Alba’
Silene uniflora pink flowers
Dianthus ex ‘Tatra Fragrance’ (p)
Lychnis x arkwrightii
Dianthus ‘Melody’ (pf)
Silene schafta ‘Shell Pink’
Dianthus ‘Mrs Holt’ (p)
Silene caroliniana subsp. wherryi
Agrostemma githago ex ‘Ocean Pearl’
Dianthus ‘Diane’ (p)
Dianthus ‘Old Dutch Pink’ (p)
Dianthus barbatus white flowers
Silene zawadskii
Silene barbata
Saponaria × lempergii ‘Max Frei’
Silene coronaria ex ‘Angel’s Blush’