Plant (HPS Number P12552)
Date donated: 1st Jan 2021
Donor: Nadine Mitschunas
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Search other sites for Heliopsis helianthoides && Echinacea purpurea
Extended plant information for Heliopsis helianthoides && Echinacea purpurea
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Heliopsis
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ex ‘Summer Nights’
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ex ‘Sommersonne’
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ex ‘Goldgefieder’
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ex ‘Burning Hearts’
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ex ‘Bleeding Hearts’
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Wustenkonig’
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Venus’
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Summer Nights’
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Sommersonne’
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Light of Loddon’
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Goldgefieder’
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra
Heliopsis helianthoides && Echinacea purpurea
Heliopsis helianthoides [Loraine Sunshine] (‘Helhan’) (v)
Heliopsis helianthoides
Heliopsis helianthoides
Plants in the family : Asteraceae
Achillea salicifolia
Erigeron compositus
Townsendia minima
Leucanthemum x superbum [Broadway Lights] = ‘Leumayel’ && Veronica spicata ‘Glory’
Centaurea scabiosa
Dahlia coccinea
Anthemis ex ‘Cally Cream’
Achillea millefolium ‘Sammetriese’
Celmisia allanii
Aster diplostephioides
Coreopsis lanceolata ‘Sonnenkind’ (unblotched)
Pilotus obovatus
Artemisia lactiflora
Gaillardia x grandiflora ex ‘Arizona Red Shades’
Onopordum tauricum
Ligularia ‘The Rocket’
Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea
Tanacetum parthenium
Scorzonera hispanica
Grindelia chiloensis
Chrysanthemum ‘Chelsea Physic Garden’ (21)
Cirsium rivulare ex ‘Atropurpureum’
Tragopogon porrifolius
Artemisia schmidtiana