Plant (HPS Number P06498)
Date donated: 23rd Apr 2015
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Search other sites for Helleborus x sternii ‘Blackthorn’
Extended plant information for Helleborus x sternii ‘Blackthorn’
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Helleborus
Helleborus x sternii ex Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii ex ‘Silver Dollar’
Helleborus x sternii ex ‘Boughton Beauty’
Helleborus x sternii ex ‘Beatrice le Blanc’
Helleborus x sternii Boughton Group
Helleborus x sternii Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii Ashwood strain
Helleborus x sternii ‘Blackthorn’
Helleborus x sternii
Helleborus x sternii
Helleborus x sternii
Helleborus x sternii
Helleborus x nigercors
Helleborus x nigercors
Helleborus x nigercors
Helleborus x hybridus Zodiac Group
Helleborus x hybridus yellow with dark centre
Helleborus x hybridus yellow spotted
Helleborus x hybridus yellow
Helleborus x hybridus white streaked red flowers
Helleborus x hybridus white spotted
Helleborus x hybridus white spotted
Plants in the family : Ranunculaceae
Clematis ‘Ruby Wedding NLP2’ (EL)
Thalictrum pubescens Pursh
Clematis ianthina var. kuripoensis
Ficaria verna ‘Salmon’s White’
Delphinium dwarf pink flowers
Aquilegia chrysantha ‘Yellow Queen’
Aquilegia chrysantha
Aquilegia barbaricina
Anemone nemorosa ‘Robinsoniana’
Pulsatilla vulgaris ‘Röde Klokke’
Anemone coronaria (De Caen Group) ‘Mister Fokker’
Helleborus × hybridus very pale pink flowers
Thalictrum flavum subsp. glaucum
Aquilegia vulgaris var. flore-pleno pale pink flowers (d)
Helleborus multifidus subsp. hercegovinus
Clematis integrifolia ex ‘Alba’
Pulsatilla vulgaris
Anemone vitifolia Buch.-Ham. ex DC.
Helleborus niger Harvington hybrids
Aquilegia Clementine Series
Actaea simplex ex (Atropurpurea Group) ‘James Compton’
Clematis × cartmanii ‘Avalanche’ (Fo/m)
Clematis ‘Tsunami Child’ (M)
Helleborus x hybridus yellow