Plant (HPS Number P10302)
Date donated: 31st Dec 1899
Donor: Unknown
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Extended plant information for Iris ensata ‘Landscape at Dawn’
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Iris
Iris yellow/white 2ft flowers in June
Iris xiphium var. lusitanica
Iris xiphium
Iris xiphium
Iris xiphium
Iris x norrisii
Iris x hollandica white flowers
Iris x hollandica blue flowers
Iris winogradowii
Iris wilsonii
Iris wilsonii
Iris virginica ‘Pond Lilac Dream’
Iris versicolor mixed colours
Iris versicolor ex ‘Silvington’
Iris versicolor ex ‘Rowden Cadenza’
Iris versicolor ex ‘Kermesina’
Iris versicolor ‘Kermesina’
Iris versicolor
Iris versicolor
Iris versicolor
Iris variegata
Iris variegata
Iris var. arctica
Iris unguicularis subsp. cretensis
Plants in the family : Iridaceae
Libertia grandiflora
Diplarrena latifolia
Iris purple flowers dwarf
Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora ‘Star of the East’
Dierama argyreum
Crocosmia ‘Krakatoa’
Iris ‘Oban’ (Sib)
Iris ‘Charger’ (TB)
Iris ‘Broadleigh Lavinia’ (CH)
Iris ‘Silver Edge’ (Sib)
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Cindy Towe’
Chasmanthe aethiopica
Iris hookeri
Iris japonica
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Salome’
Dierama erectum
Iris × robusta ‘Gerald Darby’
Gladiolus ‘Robinetta’ (recurvus hybrid)
Hesperantha coccinea ex ‘Zeal Salmon’
Gladiolus papilio
Iris ex ‘Deepening Shadows’ (CH)
Iris sanguinea ‘Snow Queen’
Iris ‘Blue Denim’ (SDB)
Iris x hollandica white flowers