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Extended plant information for Phemeranthus sediformis
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
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Plants in the genus : Phemeranthus
Plants in the family : Portulacaceae
Claytonia sibirica
Lewisia cotyledon
Lewisia tweedyi
Lewisia tweedyi
Phemeranthus sediformis
Talinum paniculatum
Claytonia sibirica f. albiflora
Lewisia oppositifolia
Anacampseros retusa
Anacampseros sp. pink flowers
Lewisia nevadensis
Anacampseros crinata
Lewisia cotyledon hybrid
Lewisia brachycalyx
Lewisia rediviva
Anacampseros retusa
Cistanthe grandiflora
Lewisia rediviva