Plant (HPS Number P09207)
Date donated: 21st Mar 2018
Donor: Michael Parr
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Extended plant information for Photinia glabra ‘Rubens’
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Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the family : Rosaceae
Alchemilla alpina L.
Aruncus aethusifolius
Potentilla ‘Gloire de Nancy’ (d)
Geum ex ‘Cosmopolitan’ (Cocktails Series)
Rosa × harisonii ‘Harison’s Yellow’ (SpH)
Cotoneaster cuspidatus
Potentilla ‘William Rollisson’
Rosa [Grace] (‘Auskeppy’) (S)
Rosa glauca Pourr. (S)
Sanguisorba armena
Malus hupehensis
Sanguisorba ‘Cangshan Cranberry’
Sanguisorba officinalis
Rosa ‘Adolf Horstmann’ (HT)
Rosa ‘Soupert et Notting’ (DPoMo)
Rosa ‘Président de Sèze’ (G)
Geum rivale ‘Leonard’s Variety’
Rosa ‘Gloire de Dijon’ (ClT)
Sorbus ‘Joseph Rock’
Chaenomeles × superba ‘Pink Lady’
Rosa xanthina ex ‘Canary Bird’ (S)
Potentilla dark red flowers
Rosa ‘Tuscany Superb’ (G)
Prunus cerasus ‘Morello’ (C)