Plant (HPS Number P00573)
Date donated: 9th Oct 2008
Donor: Picket Lane Nursery
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Search other sites for Potentilla fruticosa ‘Sophie’s Blush’
Extended plant information for Potentilla fruticosa ‘Sophie’s Blush’
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Potentilla
Potentilla x tonguei
Potentilla x tonguei
Potentilla x hybrida ex ‘Jean Jabber’
Potentilla x hopwoodiana
Potentilla x hopwoodiana
Potentilla white flowers
Potentilla thurberi ex ‘Monarch’s Velvet’
Potentilla thurberi ‘Monarch’s Velvet’
Potentilla thurberi ‘Monarch’s Velvet’
Potentilla thurberi ‘Monarch’s Velvet’
Potentilla thurberi ‘Monarch’s Velvet’
Potentilla thurberi ‘Monarch’s Velvet’
Potentilla thurberi
Potentilla thurberi
Potentilla thurberi
Potentilla speciosa var. discolor
Potentilla sp. ex Nepal
Potentilla silver leafed form prob. gelida
Potentilla rupestris
Potentilla rupestris
Potentilla rupestris
Potentilla rupestris
Potentilla reptans
Potentilla recta var. sulphurea
Plants in the family : Rosaceae
Rosa sericea (S)
Sanguisorba stipulata var. riishirensis
Amelanchier canadensis
Potentilla nitida ‘Alba’
Aruncus aethusifolius
Geum ‘Bell Bank’
Rosa ‘Maigold’ (ClSpH)
Geum triflorum var. campanulatum
Rosa ‘Buff Beauty’ (HM)
Potentilla atrosanguinea
Potentilla andicola
Rosa gallica ex ‘Versicolor’ (G)
Rosa [Dublin Bay] (‘Macdub’) (ClF)
Geum ex ‘Cosmopolitan’ (Cocktails Series)
Potentilla thurberi ‘Monarch’s Velvet’
Cotoneaster soczavianus
Photinia ‘Redstart’
Prunus ‘Accolade’ (d)
Potentilla ‘Gibson’s Scarlet’
Potentilla andicola
Potentilla atrosanguinea var. argyrophylla CC7185
Rosa ‘Crimson Shower’ (Ra)
Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’
Rosa ‘Vanity’ (HM) && Geranium x magnificum