Plant (HPS Number P09244)
Date donated: 21st Mar 2018
Donor: Michael Parr
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Extended plant information for Primula bulleyana (Pf)
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Primula
Primula yuparensis (Al)
Primula x pubescens (Au)
Primula x bulleesiana (Pf)
Primula x bulleesiana (Pf)
Primula wilsonii var. anisodora (Pf)
Primula wilsonii var. anisodora (Pf)
Primula wilsonii (Pf)
Primula wilsonii (Pf)
Primula whitei (Pe)
Primula watsonii (Mu)
Primula Wanda Group (Pr/Prim)
Primula waltonii hybrid
Primula waltonii (Si)
Primula waltonii (Si)
Primula vulgaris subsp. sibthorpii (Pr/Prim) && Ficaria verna ‘Salmon’s White’
Primula vulgaris subsp. sibthorpii (Pr/Prim)
Primula vulgaris subsp. sibthorpii (Pr/Prim)
Primula vulgaris subsp. sibthorpii (Pr/Prim)
Primula vulgaris subsp. sibthorpii (Pr/Prim)
Primula vulgaris (Pr/Prim) && Anemone nemorosa ‘Vestal’ (d)
Primula vulgaris (Pr/Prim)
Primula vulgaris (Pr/Prim)
Primula vulgaris (Pr/Prim)
Primula vulgaris (Pr/Prim)
Plants in the family : Primulaceae
Primula ex Candelabra hybrids (Pf) white flowers
Cyclamen africanum
Geranium ex ‘Orion’
Primula japonica ‘Postford White’ (Pf)
Primula ‘Hall Barn Blue’ (Pr/Prim)
Primula japonica ex ‘Oriental Sunrise’ (Pf)
Dionysia ‘Emmely’
Primula ‘David Valentine’ (Pr/Poly)
Cyclamen creticum
Primula bulleyana (Pf)
Primula rosea (Or)
Primula ‘Bonfire’ (Pf)
Primula auricula mixed (Au)
Dodecatheon meadia
Primula alpicola (Si)
Primula florindae ex Keillour Hybrids (Si)
Cyclamen repandum
Primula vialii (So)
Primula japonica ‘Postford White’ (Pf)
Soldanella sp.
Primula japonica ex ‘Valley Red’ (Pf)
Primula sikkimensis (Si)
Primula beesiana (Pf)
Dionysia afghanica