Archive Seeds (HPS Number M06659)
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Extended plant information for Pulsatilla vulgaris subsp. grandis ex ‘Budapest’
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Pulsatilla
Pulsatilla x gayeri
Pulsatilla vulgaris white flowers
Pulsatilla vulgaris violet-blue flowers
Pulsatilla vulgaris subsp. grandis ex ‘Papageno’
Pulsatilla vulgaris subsp. grandis ex ‘Budapest’
Pulsatilla vulgaris subsp. grandis ‘Papageno’
Pulsatilla vulgaris subsp. grandis
Pulsatilla vulgaris purple flowers
Pulsatilla vulgaris pinky white flowers
Pulsatilla vulgaris pink-flowered
Pulsatilla vulgaris pink fimbriated flowers
Pulsatilla vulgaris pale lilac flowers
Pulsatilla vulgaris mixed laciniated types
Pulsatilla vulgaris mixed colours
Pulsatilla vulgaris fringed red flowers
Pulsatilla vulgaris ex red-flowered
Pulsatilla vulgaris ex ‘Röde Klokke’
Pulsatilla vulgaris ex ‘Perlen Glocke’
Pulsatilla vulgaris ex ‘Eva Constance’
Pulsatilla vulgaris ex ‘Blaue Glocke’
Pulsatilla vulgaris ex ‘Barton’s Pink’
Pulsatilla vulgaris ex ‘Alba’
Pulsatilla vulgaris AGM
Pulsatilla vulgaris AGM
Plants in the family : Ranunculaceae
Clematis ‘Propertius’ (A)
Clematis ‘Fireworks’ (EL)
Pulsatilla vulgaris ex ‘Perlen Glocke’
Clematis ‘Perle d’Azur’ (LL)
Clematis x durandii
Delphinium white flowers with black eye
Eranthis hyemalis (Tubergenii Group) ‘Guinea Gold’
Aquilegia yellow and orange flowers
Adonis vernalis
Pulsatilla vulgaris mixed colours
Clematis ianthina var. kuripoensis
Helleborus foetidus ‘Gold Bullion’
Clematis ex ‘Frances Rivis’ (A)
Aquilegia ‘Crimson Star’
Clematis ‘H.F. Young’ (EL)
Trollius × cultorum ‘Commander-in-Chief’
Actaea rubra f. neglecta
Clematis fusca Turcz.
Anemone rivularis
Thalictrum sp. TM 12-613
Clematis cirrhosa ‘Jingle Bells’ (C)
Clematis ex ‘Lunar Lass’ (Fo/f)
Clematis ex ‘Bill MacKenzie’ (Ta)
Aquilegia vulgaris royal blue flowers