Archive Seeds (HPS Number M04724)
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Plants in the family : Rosaceae
Geum ex ‘Birkhead’s Creamy Lemon’
Rosa ‘Cardinal de Richelieu’ (G)
Rosa spinosissima
Rosa rugosa ‘Alba’ (Ru)
Sorbus randaiensis
Sorbus sp. (section Aria)
Holodiscus discolor
Acaena microphylla
Potentilla aurea
Alchemilla erythropoda
Sorbaria sorbifolia
Rosa ‘Complicata’ (G)
Potentilla gracilis var. glabrata
Dryas octopetala
Photinia glabra ‘Rubens’
Cotoneaster naoujanensis
Sanguisorba armena
Geum ex ‘Lisanne’
Potentilla aurea subsp. chrysocraspeda
Cotoneaster salicifolius
Rosa banksiae ‘Lutea’ (Ra/d)
Prunus ‘Kanzan’ (D)
Rosa ‘Frühlingsgold’ (SpH)
Geum triflorum