Plant (HPS Number P02622)
Date donated: 30th Dec 2010
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Search other sites for Rosa × centifolia ‘Muscosa’ (CeMo)
Extended plant information for Rosa × centifolia ‘Muscosa’ (CeMo)
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Rosa
Salvia nemorosa ex ‘Caradonna’
Rosa xanthina f. hugonis
Rosa xanthina f. hugonis
Rosa xanthina ex ‘Canary Bird’ (S)
Rosa xanthina ‘Canary Bird’ (S)
Rosa x richardii
Rosa virginiana
Rosa virginiana
Rosa villosa L.
Rosa villosa L.
Rosa spinosissima yellow
Rosa spinosissima ex ‘William III’
Rosa spinosissima ex ‘Mary, Queen of Scots’
Rosa spinosissima double, pink-flowered
Rosa spinosissima double white
Rosa spinosissima ‘William III’
Rosa spinosissima ‘William III’
Rosa spinosissima
Rosa spinosissima
Rosa spinosissima
Rosa sp. mixed
Rosa sp. ex Zaskar, India
Rosa sp. ex Iran
Rosa soulieana (Ra/S)
Plants in the family : Rosaceae
Rosa ‘Fimbriata’ (Ru)
Dryas octopetala
Sorbus rehderiana Koehne
Sanguisorba ‘Ivory Towers’
Rosa [Grace] (‘Auskeppy’) (S)
Rosa canina (S)
Chaenomeles japonica
Cotoneaster kweitschoviensis
Rosa villosa L.
Geum ‘Mrs J. Bradshaw’ (d)
Rosa ‘Frühlingsgold’ (SpH)
Geum ‘Georgenberg’
Rosa ‘Mrs Oakley Fisher’ (HT)
Prunus pendula ‘Stellata’
Rosa ‘White Pet’ (Poly)
Sorbus pseudohupehensis
Alchemilla erythropoda
Potentilla x tonguei
Cotoneaster shansiensis
Rosa glauca Pourr. (S)
Geum rivale
Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’
Rosa ‘Tuscany Superb’ (G)
Cotoneaster fangianus