Plant (HPS Number P10872)
Date donated: 1st Jan 1994
Donor: Denis Gillard
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Search other sites for Viola sororia ‘Albiflora’ (Vt)
Extended plant information for Viola sororia ‘Albiflora’ (Vt)
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Viola
Viola yellow flowers
Viola x wittrockiana ex ‘Water Colours Mixed’
Viola x wittrockiana
Viola wittrockiana ex ‘Viking Northern Lights’ (Viking Series) (P)
Viola violet-edged white flowers
Viola verecunda var. yakusimana
Viola tricolor
Viola tricolor
Viola tricolor
Viola trailing form
Viola subsinuata
Viola stojanowii
Viola sp.
Viola sp.
Viola sororia ex ‘Freckles’ (Vt)
Viola sororia ‘Freckles’ (Vt)
Viola sororia ‘Albiflora’ (Vt)
Viola small white flowers
Viola rupestris rosea
Viola riviniana Purpurea Group
Viola riviniana ex Purpurea Group
Viola riviniana
Viola reichenbachiana
Viola pedata
Plants in the family : Violaceae
Viola riviniana ex Purpurea Group
Viola ex ‘Martin’ (Va)
Viola cornuta ‘Pale Apollo’ (C)
Viola cornuta ex ‘Minor’ (C)
Viola ‘Ardross Gem’ (Va)
Viola ‘Moonlight’ (Va)
Viola cornuta ex ‘Spider’ (C)
Viola cunninghamii
Viola ‘Milkmaid’ (Va)
Viola ‘Blue Tit’ (Va)
Viola cornuta ex ‘Alba Minor’ pink flowers (C)
Viola ex ‘Inverurie Beauty’ (Va)
Viola ex ‘Famecheck Apricot’
Viola ex ‘Mrs Lancaster’ (Va)
Viola cornuta
Viola sp.
Viola ‘Moonstone’
Viola ‘Maggie Mott’ (Va)
Viola altaica
Viola ‘Irish Molly’ (Va)
Viola ‘Devon Cream’ (Va)
Viola cornuta Lilacina Group (C)
Viola riviniana
Viola ‘Elaine Quin’ (Va)