Archive Seeds (HPS Number M00008)
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Archive Seeds
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Extended plant information for Abutilon red flowers
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Abutilon
Corynabutilon × suntense white flowers
Abutilon x suntense seedling, white
Abutilon x suntense seedling, mauve
Abutilon x suntense
Abutilon x suntense
Abutilon x milleri hort.
Abutilon x hybridum
Abutilon white flowers
Abutilon vitifolium
Abutilon vitifolium
Abutilon sp
Abutilon red flowers
Abutilon pink flowers
Abutilon orange/red flowers
Abutilon orange flowers
Abutilon orange flowered form
Abutilon megapotamicum
Abutilon megapotamicum
Abutilon megapotamicum
Abutilon megapotamicum
Abutilon megapotamicum
Abutilon indicum
Abutilon indicum
Abutilon ex ‘Savitzii’
Plants in the family : Malvaceae
Alcea peach flowers (seems rust tolerant)
Fremontodendron californicum
Helicteres jamaicesis
Alcea rosea apricot flowers
Sidalcea ‘Croftway Red’
Tilia ‘Petiolaris’
Alcea rosea burgundy flowers
Alcea rosea no rust
Malope trifida
Malva neglecta
Sidalcea ‘Rose Queen’
Hibiscus syriacus ‘Hamabo’
Alcea ficifolia lemon yellow rust free flowers
Modiolastrum lateritium
Corynabutilon x suntense ex ‘Violetta’
Althaea nearly black flowers
Lavatera trimestris white flowers
Alcea ficifolia peach flowers
Hibiscus mutabilis
Alcea rosea dark red flowers
Alcea short, double red flowers
Hibiscus richardsonii
Alcea mixed
Malva sylvestris ‘Blue Fountain’