Plant (HPS Number P02155)
Date donated: 5th Apr 2010
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Extended plant information for Abutilon x milleri hort.
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Abutilon
Corynabutilon × suntense white flowers
Abutilon x suntense seedling, white
Abutilon x suntense seedling, mauve
Abutilon x suntense
Abutilon x suntense
Abutilon x milleri hort.
Abutilon x hybridum
Abutilon white flowers
Abutilon vitifolium
Abutilon vitifolium
Abutilon sp
Abutilon red flowers
Abutilon pink flowers
Abutilon orange/red flowers
Abutilon orange flowers
Abutilon orange flowered form
Abutilon megapotamicum
Abutilon megapotamicum
Abutilon megapotamicum
Abutilon megapotamicum
Abutilon megapotamicum
Abutilon indicum
Abutilon indicum
Abutilon ex ‘Savitzii’
Plants in the family : Malvaceae
Anisodontea capensis
Alcea rosea ex Halo Series ‘Halo Pink’
Abutilon x suntense seedling, mauve
Sidalcea ‘Oberon’
Lavatera trimestris ex ‘Dwarf Pink Blush’
Althaea pale pink flowers/dark pink centre
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana
Hibiscus sinosyriacus ‘Ruby Glow’
Malope trifida ex ‘Vulcan’
Alcea rosea white flowers
Lavatera maritima
Malva sylvestris
Alcea rosea ex ‘Blacknight’ (Spotlight Series)
Malva sylvestris ex ‘Windsor Castle’
Alcea rosea Caplez Garden Strain
Sidalcea ‘Party Girl’
Fremontodendron mexicanum
Malva moschata ‘Pink Perfection’
Hibiscus shrub blue flowers
Alyogyne huegelii
Alcea rosea mixed
Hibiscus trionum
Alcea rosea ex ‘Mars Magic’ (Spotlight Series)
Sidalcea candida