Archive Seeds (HPS Number M02964)
Archive Seeds are here for reference and cannot be ordered.
Archive Seeds
Extended plant information for Hoheria sp.
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Hoheria
Hoheria sp. poss. angustifolia
Hoheria sp.
Hoheria sexstylosa ex ‘Stardust’
Hoheria sexstylosa ex ‘Crataegifolia’
Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Stardust’
Hoheria sexstylosa
Hoheria sexstylosa
Hoheria lyallii
Hoheria glabrata
Hoheria ex ‘Glory of Amlwch’
Hoheria ex ‘Borde Hill’
Hoheria angustifolia
Hoheria angustifolia
Plants in the family : Malvaceae
Abutilon ‘Golden Fleece’
Ceiba pentandra
Alcea rosea red flowers
Alcea single black flowers
Malva sylvestris var. mauritiana
Abutilon x hybridum
Malope trifida
Hoheria sexstylosa ex ‘Crataegifolia’
Malva × clementii ‘Candy Floss’
Lavatera trimestris white flowers
Hoheria glabrata
Sidalcea ‘Elsie Heugh’
Malva moschata f. alba
Abutilon vitifolium
Malva moschata ex ‘Rosea’
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Alcea rosea ex Halo Series ‘Halo White’
Alcea rosea rust resistant
Alcea single white flowers
Hibiscus syriacus ‘Oiseau Bleu’
Alcea rosea dark pink flowers
Sidalcea malviflora
Modiolastrum lateritium
Alcea ficifolia maroon flowers