Archive Seeds (HPS Number M02962)
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Extended plant information for Hoheria sexstylosa
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
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Plants in the genus : Hoheria
Hoheria sp. poss. angustifolia
Hoheria sp.
Hoheria sexstylosa ex ‘Stardust’
Hoheria sexstylosa ex ‘Crataegifolia’
Hoheria sexstylosa ‘Stardust’
Hoheria sexstylosa
Hoheria sexstylosa
Hoheria lyallii
Hoheria glabrata
Hoheria ex ‘Glory of Amlwch’
Hoheria ex ‘Borde Hill’
Hoheria angustifolia
Hoheria angustifolia
Plants in the family : Malvaceae
Alcea rosea ex Halo Series
Malva moschata ex ‘Pink Perfection’
Helicteres jamaicesis
Kitaibela vitifolia
Alcea ficifolia lemon yellow rust free flowers
× Alcalthaea suffrutescens ‘Parkallee’ (d)
Fremontodendron mexicanum
Sidalcea ‘Party Girl’
Abutilon orange flowers
Sidalcea ‘Oberon’
Sidalcea ‘Purpetta’
Sidalcea ‘Mrs Borrodaile’
Alcea rosea pink flowers
Alcea rosea buff flowers
Lavatera cachemiriana
Gossypium herbaceum
Alcea rosea no rust
Sidalcea ‘Little Princess’
Alyogyne huegelii
Alcea rosea dark crimson single flowers
Abutilon orange/red flowers
Hibiscus syriacus ex ‘Woodbridge’
Alcea rosea
Corynabutilon vitifolium ‘Album’