Plant (HPS Number P00800)
Date donated: 11th Jan 2009
Donor: Trevor Walton
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Extended plant information for Freesia laxa albomaculata
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Freesia
Freesia mixed species and hybrids
Freesia leichtlinii
Freesia laxa white flowers
Freesia laxa var. alba
Freesia laxa red form
Freesia laxa mixed colours
Freesia laxa ex ‘Joan Evans’
Freesia laxa albomaculata
Freesia laxa albomaculata
Freesia laxa
Freesia laxa
Freesia laxa
Freesia laxa
Plants in the family : Iridaceae
Iris ‘George’ (Reticulata)
Iris ensata
Iris ensata ex ‘Gipsy’
Olsynium filifolium ex Falkland islands
Iris ‘Red Revival’ (TB)
Iris ‘Maid of Orange’ (BB)
Hesperantha coccinea
Iris unguicularis ex ‘Walter Butt’
Gladiolus communis subsp. byzantinus
Iris ‘Pastel Charm’ (SDB)
Iris sanguinea ex ‘Snow Queen’
Iris ‘Caesar’s Brother’ (Sib)
Iris setosa ex ‘Baby Blue’
Sisyrinchium striatum
Cypella herbertii
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ex ‘Canary Bird’
Iris ‘Tropic Night’ (Sib)
Watsonia vanderspuyae
Iris forrestii
Gladiolus italicus from Corfu
Iris confusa
Crocosmia large red NOT Lucifer
Iris ‘Broadleigh Dorothy’ (CH)
Iris ‘Gypsy Queen’ (IB)