Archive Seeds (HPS Number M02814)
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Archive Seeds
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Extended plant information for Helleborus x hybridus mottled purple flowers
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Helleborus
Helleborus x sternii ex Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii ex ‘Silver Dollar’
Helleborus x sternii ex ‘Boughton Beauty’
Helleborus x sternii ex ‘Beatrice le Blanc’
Helleborus x sternii Boughton Group
Helleborus x sternii Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii Blackthorn Group
Helleborus x sternii Ashwood strain
Helleborus x sternii ‘Blackthorn’
Helleborus x sternii
Helleborus x sternii
Helleborus x sternii
Helleborus x sternii
Helleborus x nigercors
Helleborus x nigercors
Helleborus x nigercors
Helleborus x hybridus Zodiac Group
Helleborus x hybridus yellow with dark centre
Helleborus x hybridus yellow spotted
Helleborus x hybridus yellow
Helleborus x hybridus white streaked red flowers
Helleborus x hybridus white spotted
Helleborus x hybridus white spotted
Plants in the family : Ranunculaceae
Aconitum x cammarum
Delphinium nudicaule ex ‘Red Fox’
Aquilegia jonesii x saximontana
Anemone palmata
Delphinium ‘Cassius’
Trautvetteria carolinensis Eastern form
Aquilegia vulgaris var. flore-pleno white-flowered (d)
Clematis ‘The President’ (EL)
Caltha palustris ‘Flore Pleno’ (d)
Ranunculus acris ex ‘Flore Pleno’ (d)
Pulsatilla vulgaris
Hepatica henryi
Aconitum × cammarum ‘Eleanora’
Anemonopsis macrophylla
Thalictrum ex ‘Elin’
Nigella damascena pale blue flowers
Thalictrum mauve flowers
Helleborus x hybridus ex Ashwood Garden hybrids
Hepatica transsilvanica
Anemone multifida ex ‘Rubra’
Delphinium ex Astolat Group
Geum elatum ex CC7354
Helleborus x hybridus black-flowered
Ranunculus aconitifolius ‘Flore Pleno’ (d)