Archive Seeds (HPS Number M03087)
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Archive Seeds
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Extended plant information for Inula helenium ex ‘Goliath’
Articles and Publications linked to this species
Articles and Publications linked to this genus
Additional plant photos and information
Plants in the genus : Inula
Inula sp. prob magnifica
Inula royleana
Inula royleana
Inula racemosa
Inula racemosa
Inula orientalis
Inula orientalis
Inula oculus-christi
Inula magnifica
Inula magnifica
Inula magnifica
Inula magnifica
Inula magnifica
Inula magnifica
Inula hookeri && Anthemis tinctoria ‘Sauce Hollandaise’
Inula hookeri
Inula hookeri
Inula hookeri
Inula hookeri
Inula hookeri
Inula hookeri
Inula hirta
Inula helenium ex ‘Goliath’
Inula helenium elecampane
Plants in the family : Asteraceae
Achillea nobilis
Symphyotrichum ‘Little Carlow’ (cordifolium hybrid)
Dahlia ex ‘Bednall Beauty’ (Misc/DwB)
Catananche caerulea ex ‘Alba’
Coreopsis tinctoria
Achillea salicifolia
Symphyotrichum ‘Orchidee’
Echinacea purpurea
Olearia macrodonta
Vernonia gigantea
Rudbeckia laciniata ‘Juligold’
Achillea filipendulina ‘Cloth of Gold’
Echinops ritro L.
Olearia species
Dahlia merckii
Tanacetum parthenium ex ‘Aureum’
Helenium ‘Indianersommer’
Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’
Chrysanthemum ‘Chelsea Physic Garden’ (21)
Artemisia splendens misapplied
Erigeron ex ‘Rosa Juwel’
Stokesia laevis
Rudbeckia laciniata
Echinacea purpurea ‘Jade’