Archive Seeds (HPS Number M06915)
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Archive Seeds
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Plants in the genus : Sibbaldia
Plants in the family : Rosaceae
Potentilla palustris
Cotoneaster parkeri
Geum chiloense ex ‘Red Dragon’
Malus sargentii
Cotoneaster lacteus
Spiraea douglasii
Cotoneaster frigidus
Cotoneaster shansiensis
Potentilla recta var. sulphurea
Sorbus ‘Chinese Lace’
Cotoneaster ganghobaensis
Prunus sargentii
Rosa ‘Ballerina’ (HM/Poly)
Sanguisorba obtusa
Rosa sp. ex Iran
Geum creamy apricot flowers
Rosa ‘Meg’ (ClHT) && Rosa ‘Maigold’ (ClPiH)
Photinia serratifolia
Sorbus cashmiriana
Rosa ‘Impératrice Joséphine’ (Gn)
Geum urbanum
Cotoneaster melanocarpus
Potentilla nepalensis ‘Miss Willmott’
Rosa [Marjorie Fair] (‘Harhero’) (Poly/S)